Many thanks to the committee for inviting me to judge at this noted show to make my first Championship Certificate awards and to the competitors for the quality and quantity of the entries. It was a great pleasure and privilege to lay hands on so many high standard dogs.
MPD(1) 1 Llewellyn’s Matahari Menjangen. A 7 month old shapely puppy with a masculine head, dark eye, neat ears and good reach of neck, well angulated fore and aft, sloping well over the croup with strong rear quarters showing plenty of width, good harsh coat. BPD.
PD(1) 1 Wilson &Daniels’ Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury. A dark coated 9 month old puppy with dark eye and good reach of neck into well angulated shoulder, pleasing outline with good sweep over loin, correct bend of stifle, good length from hip to hock and well knuckled feet.
JD(4) 1 Spencer &Rhodes’ Gentom Renown. Strong boned dog with good substance and harsh crisp coat, good reach of neck and well angulated fore and aft with a deep brisket, plenty of heart room and good length of loin, hips set wide apart, strong hocks and good movement. 2 Cheshire’s Kilbourne Nuin Of Deeranwith. Light grey handsome dog with a typical masculine head, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder but not quite as good sweep over loin as first, good length from hip to strong hocks and well knuckled feet, good movement. 3 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Winter Blizzard.
ND(5, 1) 1 McLoughlin’s Graizeland Rock And Roll. Typical head with soft expression and good reach of neck going into well angulated shoulder, good forechest and straight front legs, pleasing topline with good sweep over croup, good width at rear with correct bend of stifle, moved very well. 2 Cooper’s Bubo At Chapeltower. Masculine head with small ears, well angulated front and rear, good topline and underline with good length of loin, strong thighs and hocks, not moving quite so well as first today. 3 Makosch’s Pewtergrey Cord Du Roi.
PGD(7) 1 Piggott’s Greyzicon Blythe Spirit. Masculine head with soft expression, small ears and dark eye, good reach of neck into good slope of shoulder, straight legs and deep brisket, nice topline with very good fall over loin and strong quarters, movement best in class. 2 Hawkins’ Kwaricott Archimago. Another very good dog with small ears and dark eye, good reach of neck, well angulated front and rear with deep brisket and good length of loin, good topline and fall away, good bend of stifle and strong hocks, well muscled throughout, not moving quite as well as first today. 3 Peach’s Kilbourne Fire Chief.
LD(10, 1) 1 Girling’s Pyefleet Qwilliam. A strong, well muscled four and a half year old masculine dog with plenty of substance throughout which I last judged as a puppy, harsh crisp coat with neat ears and powerful neck with good reach, good forechest and depth of rib, straight flat boned front legs, bend of stifle correct with good first and second thighs and strong hocks, moved very well and looked as if he could do the work which he was bred for. Sired my BOB. RCC. 2 Helps’ Greyfriars Gillie Of Beardswood. Slighter built than first, a dark coated shapely dog with dark eye, neat ears, well knuckled feet and strong nails, deep chested and well angulated fore and aft, good rise over croup and bend of stifle with good length from hip to hock, stood and moved very well, sire of first in MPB and first in PB. 3 Peach’s Readwald Thor To Kilbourne.
OD(6, 1) 1 Rhodes &Morton’s Ch Gentom Peacemaker. Typical masculine head with “far away look”. Excellent reach of neck into well shaped shoulder, upper arm and straight, flat boned legs, topline and length of loin very good, well muscled strong quarters with good length from hip to hock and good bend of stifle, well knuckled feet with strong nails and a harsh crisp coat, good long striding movement, maintaining his topline. DCC. 2 Adams’ Csarf O’Cockaigne Imp. Young 17 month old dog, attractive head with good fold of ear, well angulated front with very good topline and long fall away, strong quarters with good width across hips, well knuckled feet and thick tail, not quite the length of loin of first. 3 Bond’s Ch Regalflight Stormbird.
MPB(3) 1 Helps’ Rosslyn Pollie. 7 month old delightful dark coated, very shapely puppy with dark eye and correctly folded ears, well laid shoulder going into a good front and straight legs, length of loin correct with well angulated quarters, very tight feet and good movement. 2 Southcott’s Bradley Abbi Ardenner. Attractive puppy with crisp coat and dark eye, good reach of neck and slope of shoulder, strong quarters, correct bend of stifle and good movement but just a little long in the leg at the moment. 3 Llewellyn’s Matahari Mermaid.
PB(4) 1 Helps’ Rosslyn Pippa. Litter sister to first in MPB, and the same comments apply although this one is just a little more mature at present, two very promising puppies. BBP and BP. 2 Barter’s Stainlonan Thai Of Ehlaradawn. Attractive 11 month old, very well muscled puppy with good reach of neck, well angulated front and rear, deep chested for a youngster, strong loin with a good topline and fair movement. 3 Wilson &Daniels’ Hamiltonhill One Vision.
JB(11, 2) This class had many promising youngsters and several had to go away unplaced. 1 Brodie &Owen’s Wolfcastle Efa. A shapely dark coated bitch with dark eye, strong neck going into well angulated shoulder and upper arm, good forechest and straight front, good length of ribcage and flow over loin with good bend of stifle, very neat feet, good movement. 2 Wilkinson’s Regalflight Boreen At Sireadh NAFTAF. Shapely head with soft expression, well balanced with very good length of loin and fall away, good length from hip to strong hocks, long tail and well knuckled feet, movement good coming and going. 3 Taylor &Peach’s Brackenland Tan.
NB(5) 1 Cooper’s Chapeltower Dido. Good bone and substance with harsh crisp coat, fair reach of neck into well angulated shouldr with deep brisket, strong wide quarters, good bend of stifle and low hocks, well muscled throughout, moved well. 2 Tresh’s Trentdale Glamis Of Lyndorthwin. Another attractive bitch with longer reach of neck than first, well balanced all through with good topline and good length from hip to strong hock, feet not quite so well knuckled. 3 Smith’s Wolfcastle Fern Of Nimloth.
PGB(11) 1 Peach’s Witchway To Kilbourne. A shapely well muscled bitch with strong, wide, rear quarters and feminine head with soft expression, typical of this kennel, good reach of neck with deep brisket and well angulated front, good topline and length of loin and sweep over croup, good bend of stifle and length from hip to hock, moved well with good drive from rear. 2 Mansell &Duddell’s Canerikie Coco Chanel. Another quality bitch with feminine head, dark eye and correct fold of ear, strong neck, with good reach into well angulated shoulders, correct topline and shapely fall over loin, good length from hip to hock and well knuckled feet, moved out very well. 3 Hird’s Cloweswood Scilla.
LB(13, 4) 1 Girling’s Pyefleet Rokesby. A strong but very feminine bitch, beautiful head with correct fold of ear and that typical “far away look”. Well muscled throughout with good reach of neck into good angulation of shoulder and upper arm, deep brisket, good topline and length of loin with strong well angulated quarters, well knuckled feet and thick long tail, moved as the standard says, “easy active and true with a long stride”. BCC and BOB. 2 Bond’s Ch Regalflight Moth. A dark attractive bitch with very dark eye and small correctly folded ears with a good reach of neck going into well angulated shoulder and upper arm with straight forelegs and well knuckled feet, deep ribcage with good topline and underline, very shapely flow over loin and good bend of stifle. 3 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Melody.
OB(9, 3) 1 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. A beautiful puppy when I last judged her and she has certainly kept her promise. A quality bitch with a feminine head, correctly folded ears, good reach of neck into well angulated shoulder and upper arm, good forechest and ribcage, deep brisket and topline with a curving sweep over loin, bend of stifle correct and good length from hip to hock, harsh crisp coat, moved out well maintaining topline, but I just preferred the movement of the LB today. Res BCC. 2 Brodie &Owen’s Ch Marandike Ebonys Choice To Wolfcastle. Very dark attractive well balanced bitch with dark eye and well set ears, good reach of neck going into well angulated shoulder with good straight flat boned front legs, deep chested with a beautiful topline with good sweep over long loin, good bend of stifle and low hocks, kept the topline when moving, just preferred the substance of first. 3 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax A Kind Of Magic. Three worthy champions placed in this class.
A Davey